Registration form

Regular registration (February 1 - April 30)

Limited to 100 participants (on a first-come-first-serve basis)

Participants SIMP member: 400 EUR
Accompanying person: 200 EUR

Late registration (May 1 - May 31)

Limited to availability

Participants SIMP member: 450 EUR
Accompanying person: 200 EUR

The school is reserved for SIMP members

Not a member yet? Follow the link and join the SIMP! You will get a lot of benefits: reduced fee to SIMP meetings/schools and to Goldschmidt Conference, sponsorships for participation in national and international meetings, annual SIMP awards reserved for young members, etc..

Moreover, you will receive the magazine Elements, and can submit open access articles to European Journal of Mineralogy by paying the reduced fee as SIMP member.

A number of scolarship, supported by EMU and SIMP, will be given to cover the registration fee. To apply, please send curriculum vitae to info@minewa

The Regular/Late fee is all-inclusive for the participation to the school. Accommodation is provided in a double room.

The SIMP secretary will send a receipt (not invoice) for payment of the school registration fee (200 euros), and an invoice for full boarding (200 euros).
Both documents will be registred  in name of the attendee.
For any other issue, please contact

In case the conference should be canceled due to sanitary issues, the  payment will be fully reimbursed (except for 5% to cover administrative  costs).
For cancellation requests received by 31 May 2022, a refund will be issued up to 200 euros. There will be no refund for cancellation requests received from 1 June.

Registration Form

Participation type

If you don't remember it, please contact

Payment method

Information for payment receipt